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6 ways for foster parents to support youth this holiday season

6 ways for foster parents to support youth this holiday season

Accepting a child in your home during the holiday season can be a blessing for both you and the youth. However, it can also be a difficult time for them to be away from their families. Here are steps you can take to ensure that the holidays are a pleasant time for the youth in your care.

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Providing resources and support for your foster parent journey.

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Let’s be real. Parenting can be hard and comes with its fair share of challenges. Stress is just a part of the journey, but taking care of yourself is crucial. By prioritizing self-care, not only do you keep yourself healthy and happy, but you also create a more positive and safe environment for your kids. After all, a happy parent means happy children, right? Visit Cayugacenters.org to read more and sign up for our helpful monthly Cayuga Corner blog newsletter. #FosterCayugaCenters
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